Internet ID: 100460
Fish and Chips - Straight Traditional in top position inner-West
Fish and Chips
Straight Traditional, inner West
- Open 5 Days (closed Monday/Tuesday)
- Takings: $11,000 per week
- Rent $732 per week + 3 bedroom home (good lease)
- Fully Airconditioned
- Seating capacity 6 inside / 12 outside
- High Profits
- Easy to Manage
- Located in a busy shopping strip inner west
- Ideal for family
- Long Established and well equipped. Secure Business
- First time offered
- Confidentiality Applies
Straight Traditional, inner West
- Open 5 Days (closed Monday/Tuesday)
- Takings: $11,000 per week
- Rent $732 per week + 3 bedroom home (good lease)
- Fully Airconditioned
- Seating capacity 6 inside / 12 outside
- High Profits
- Easy to Manage
- Located in a busy shopping strip inner west
- Ideal for family
- Long Established and well equipped. Secure Business
- First time offered
- Confidentiality Applies
Open for Inspection
No open houses scheduled.
Private viewings available by appointment.
Office Details
Carlton Real Estate
704 Nicholson Street
North Fitzroy, VIC, 3068
Phone: 03 9486 1722
Fax: 03 9489 17522
Email: [email protected]
Agent Details

Carlton Real Estate believes this information is correct but it does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the information. You should make your own enquiries and check the information. Certain information has been obtained from external sources and has not been independently verified.